Agile Glossary

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There are currently 6 names in this directory beginning with the letter D.

Daily scrum
A short meeting of no more than 15 minutes, during which a team shares knowledge, volunteers to help each other, identifies dependencies/risks, and agrees on next steps for removing roadblocks. It is important to emphasize that the purpose is NOT status reporting -- the desired outcome is team alignment. The term is synonymous with the daily standup in Extreme Programming (XP).
Submitted by: Phil Rogers

Definition of Done
A working agreement for a team or teams that sets a standard for achieving a “Done” user story, in addition to user-story-specific Acceptance Criteria. It is common for a DoD to address conditions that need to be universally true for the product in question, such as the so-called "-ilities" (maintainability, scalability, security, usability). As stated in the Scrum Guide, it is important to "have a shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete, to ensure transparency."
Submitted by: Phil Rogers

Definition of Ready (DoR)
A team level agreement clearly identifying the conditions work must meet before the team can commit to accepting it into a Sprint Commitment or PI Plan. The DoR is designed to protect the team from committing to high-risk or unclear work and clearly identifying the conditions work must meet so stakeholders can provide accurate information about the needed work.
Submitted by: Steve Moubray

Delivery Team
The team of people responsible for building and delivery valuable software to the business. Typically a team will contain developers and testers, and often analysts, architects, designers and other Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) as needed.
Submitted by: Steve Moubray

Development Team
A self-organizing, cross-functional team of people who collectively are responsible for all of the work necessary to produce working, validated product artifacts. The Development Team is one of the three roles that are part of Scrum, where the team should have everyone and everything it needs to deliver value on a repeatable basis, with little to no reliance on any external entity.
Submitted by: Phil Rogers

Dunbar's Number
The idea that any given individual can maintain a limited number of social relationships, where each person in the network has some awareness of who every other person in the network is. Anthropologist Robin Dunbar sets this number at between about 150 and 200.
Submitted by: Phil Rogers